Unit 27 problems with answers from http://www.textbooksfree.org/
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Practice Problems 27 Solve the following equations and check your answer.
1) 9x + 5 = 23

2) 5x - 4 = 31 3) 4) 4n + 3n + 5 =12
5) 4n + n = 21

6) 7y - 3y = 16 7) 8) 5y - 3 + 2y = 39
9) 5n - 4 = n + 16

10) 4x + 6 + 3x = 2x + 31
11) 6(2x - 4) = 36

12) 2(4y - 4) - 3 = 21
13) Bill and Shawn spent $130 on clothes. Bill spent $18 more than Shawn. How much did each spend? Hint: x = Shawn's spending.


comments and suggestions to antonw@ix.netcom.com

14) Three numbers add to 210. The second number is 10 more than the first and the third number is three times the first. Find the numbers. Hint: x = first number.