Part 3 Decimals, Ratios, Rates,  Proportions, and Percentages

Part 3 Decimals, Ratios, Rates, Proportions, and Percentages

Other Parts    Pretest    1. Whole Numbers   2. Fractions  

3. Decimals, Ratios, Rates, Proportions, and Percentages   4 Exponents, Roots, Algebra, Geometry  

5 Using Formulas to Solve Problems   6 Multi-Step Word Problems  

7 Graphs, Signed Numbers, Statistics, Probability, Measurement  

Posttest   Complete Solutions







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Suggestions to Mr. A at antonw@ix.netcom

14. Introduction to Decimals   Practice Problems 14

15. Rounding and Writing Decimals as Fractions   PP 15

16. Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Decimals   PP16

17. Dividing Decimals and Writing Fractions as Decimals   PP 17




8. Ratios and Rates    Practice Problems 18

19. Proportions    Practice Problems 19

20. Using Proportions     Practice Problems 20

21. Writing Fractions and Decimals as Percentages    Practice Problems 21

22. Writing Percentages as Fractions and Decimals     Practice Problems 22

Introduction to Ratios (HD version) 14.13


23. Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions     Practice Problems 23

24. Finding the Percent of Change    Practice Problems 24

 Quick Print Practice Problems 14 to 24


Crib Notes Review

Part 3 Quiz pages 1 and 2

Part 3 Quiz pages 3 and 4

Answers to PP and CR Problems Parts a 1-7

Test-Prep Additional Practice Problems

Pre Algebra Quizzes








