Statistics Excel Videos Lectures

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Descriptive Statistics
Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis Testing



 Tests & Answers

Tips and Tricks 4 min
Improve Efficiency 13 min
Experimental Design 6 min

Bad Data 35 min


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1. Problems & Solutions

2. Statistics Reviews

3. Test Prep strategy


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1. Research Project Help
2. Statistics Internet Library 
3. Free Statistics Textbook

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Statistics, Tests and Measurement, 4 Videos

Each lasts about 15 minutes and provide a subjective overview. 


Descriptive Statistics Topic Videos

01: Intro To Excel 2007 for Statistics (10:09)
02: Calculations, Operators, Formulas (10:13)
03: Data Analysis Sorting & Pivot Tables 9:55
04: Frequency Pivot Table Chart Basics (10:13)
05: Cell References in Formulas (9:35)
Excel Statistics 03: Data Analysis Sorting & Pivot Tables (9:55)
Excel Statistics 08: Install Excel 2007 Data Analysis Add-in (2:44)
Excel Statistics 09: What Is Statistics? (10:28)
Excel Statistics 10: Data & Scales/Levels of Measurement (10:22)
Excel Statistics 11: Descriptive & Inferential Statistics

Excel Statistics 24: Quantitative Freq. Dist. w Pivot Table (10:04)
Excel Statistics 25: % Freq. Dist.& Histogram w Pivot Table (10:02)
Excel Statistics 26: Cumulative Freq. Dist w Pivot Table (Running (8:29)
Excel Statistics 27: Dot Plot Chart w REPT & COUNTIF functions (8:58)
Probability the basis for inferential statistics.
Excel Statistics 50: Probability I

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Excel Statistics 92: Hypothesis Test T Distribution (6:46)
Excel Statistics 93: Hypothesis Test Proportions (7:18)

Regression is a special application of inferential statistics.

Correlation is an extension of regression.