Educarional Improvement Internet Library has materials to help students learn, teachers teach, parents guide, and administrators educate.


Education Improvement

Information For Students

Information For Teachers

Education Reform

Proposed Education Plan

Sundry Information


World Strategies
Expert Advise

2024 Election Warnings
Political Correctness

Storm Before the Calm
Trump's New Political Era?
Party Politics Problems

Presidential Power

    Information For Students
    Health and Safety
    Learning Styles &Learning Self-Assessment
    Learning Skills For All Students
    Selective Learning Skills

    Understanding Complicated Material
    Free Online Books Internet Library

    Student Internet Library

    Health and Safty

    Pediatric COVID-19 Literature

     Child Flu
    Deaths Hit Record High
    6 Flu Vaccine Myths

    Flu Vaccine Side Affects

    Information For Teachers

    Adolescent Mental Health free course
    Engaging Young Readers
    free course
    Free Excel Stuff for Teachers

    Subject Material for Teachers
    Subject Material With Teaching Advice
    Teaching Advice by Subject
    100  Free Web Tools for Primary Teachers
    Educational Audio-Video
    Special Needs Teaching and Learning
    The Art of Teaching
    College Teaching Tips/Suggestions
    Teaching Tools from the Internet
    Teaching Specialty Sites

    Education Reform

    Proposed Education Manifesto
    Learning Theory
    Human Development Theory
    Economics Of Education
    Education Reform Information
    Education Reform Sites
    Math and Science Reform
    Middle School Reform
     Low Income Student Reform
    Education Assessment Information

    Affective Administration Classes
    Nonprofit's Financials Statements

    Proposed Education Plan

    Preface Ten Commandment of Education

    Step 1 Community, Parents, and Students Choose and Prioritize Goals

    Step 2 Situational Changes to Meet Parental Goals

    Step 3  Adopt Individualized Curriculum

    Step 4 Determining Accountability

Sundry Information

Other all-inclusive sites
Education Blogs
Help for Families
Strategies for students with learning difficulties

Who is Responsible for Education in America?


1. Switch to a block grant allotment of funds
Give x dollars for an existing state underfunded y program
with no guidelines except someone  keeping an eye that funds
 go for y and not football.

2.This follows the Justice Brandeis
Use Laboratories of democracy model
It  would allowing states to investigate
many approaches
to improving education.

2) Governors Wrong,  College-Prep Not For Everyone

3) Does CV-19 Need a Year-Round Calendar?

4. Parenting During Adolescents
10 min Video   


Learning Styles and Learning Self-Assessments
compiled by Georgia Perimeter College

Introduction to learning styles, learning strategies to use with each learning style,
and an
online learning style survey
to identify your preferred learning style
 from Diablo Valley College

VARK guide to learning styles, complete with questionnaire and Help sheets
 for studying and learning tips for each style

Learning styles questionnaire and helpful information
from North Carolina State University

Learning styles survey chart
provides an alternative way to identify your
primary learning style from Chaminade.

100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner

Learning Skills For All Students

Dartmouth starts with a strategy
Strategic Learning Video
Strategic Learning Video with Captions

Problem Solving
Problem Solving from Mind Tools

Helping Poor Readers

Reading Improvement Video from Dartmouth College
Reading Improvement Video with Captions
Reading To Comprehend And Learn
Tips For Increasing Reading Speed
How to Read University Texts

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Readers

Leadership Internet Library

Listening Skills
Listening Skills from Texas A&M University
Listening in Class from Southern Nazarena University
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Note Taking
Note taking Video from Dartmouth College
Note taking Video with Captions
Note Taking - The Cornell System

Taking Lecture Notes - Cal Poly
Note Taking Tips - Cal Poly

Memory Improvement Techniques from Mind Tools

Time Management Videos from Dartmouth
Time Management  
Time Management Video with Captions

Stress Management Videos fro Dartmouth
Stress Management
Stress Management-Captions

General Purpose Site
Study Guides and Strategies
comes in  more than 20 languages!
Study Skills Resources

Selective Learning Skills

Chemistry Video from Dartmouth College
Chemistry Video with Captions

Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish
9-12 +C
teaches Spanish speaking, listening, and comprehension skills.

Understanding Complicated Material
Mind-mapping from Wikipedia
How to Mind Map from The Spirit of Now
example from Brazosport CC
Free Mind Mapping Software

University if Victory
List Structures
Sequential Diagram
Hierarchical Outline

Teaching Advise by Subject
A     C    G   H   L   M   R   S   W

Insights Into Algebra 1: Teaching for Learning


The Arts in Every Classroom: Video Library, K-5
Connecting With the Arts: A Teaching Practices Library, 6-8
Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers
The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High
School Teachers for K9-12
Making Civics Real: Workshop for K9-12


Reactions in Chemistry 9-12
Criminal Justice Internet Library

Foreign Language
K-12 Workshop
K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices

Geography 7-12 workshop

Primary Sources: Workshops in American History
Teaching The Children of Willesden Lane 7-12
helps teach the Holocaust-survival book
The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek

Engaging With Literature: A

Video Library, Grades 3-5
Making Meaning in Literature: 6-8
Conversations in Literature for 6-12
In Search of the Novel for 7-12
Teaching Multicultural Literature in middle grades
Artifacts & Fiction: Workshop in American Literature for High School
Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School
School Math Teachers presents four concepts
 that have been identified by TIMSS
as crucial to students' success.
Math: A Video Library, K-4 using NCTM standards
Math: A Video Library, 5-8 using NCTM standards
Math: A Video Library, 9-12
using NCTM standards

Teaching Math, Grades K-2
Teaching Math, Grades 3-5
Teaching Math, Grades 6-8
Teaching Math, Grades 9-12

Surprises in Mind  video documentary on learning mathematics
 for K-8 teachers and administrators
shows that mathematical creativity is built
 into the brain and can flourish under the right conditions.
The Missing Link: Essential Concepts 7-9
Private Universe Project in Mathematics
Mathematics for K-12
Private Universe Project in Mathematics
for K-12 how mathematics teaching can be structured
 to resonate with children's own mathematical ideas.
K-2 Workshop
K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
3-5 Workshop
Into the Book: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies Science
Case Studies in Science Education for K-8
Science IMAGES 1-8
Private Universe Project in Science
1-12 helps uncover and overcome student misconceptions.
A Private Universe  5-12 explores why students from early grades to
 Ivy League graduates don't really grasp basic science concepts.
Learning That Works 9-12 profile successful programs
 that connect science learned in high school
 with real-world applications.
Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science K-5
Science in Focus: Energy K-6
Science in Focus: Force and Motion K-8
Investigating Classrooms K-6 shows how teachers are incorporating
 genuine science inquiry into teaching.
Teaching High School Science
Social Science
SS in Action: A Methodology Workshop, K-5

SS in Action: A Teaching Practices Library, K-12

Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers
Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers

College Teaching Tips/Suggestions
University of Oklahoma

Five (5) Major Functions in Teaching
Getting Ready to Teach 
Designing a Course
Interacting with Students: Teacher "Credibility"
Specific Teaching Techniques: Suggestions
Evaluation Issues  
Major New Ideas To Empower College Teaching
UC Berkeley has this help for teaching assistants
Using groups in classes & encouraging study groups

Nine Complaints from Students About Lectures
Student Announcements in Classes
Resources for Using Groups in the Classroom
 Email/Listserv etiquette is pending
Disappearing Students

Assignment Design Checklist
Letters of Recommendation is pending
Ten Ways to Make Your Teaching More Effective


Learning Theory

How Do People Learn?
Ten theories on how people learn including constructivism, behaviorism, and Piaget's developmental theory.

Looking at Learning…Again, Part 1
This video workshop for K-12 teachers and administrators features seven leading educators who share their ideas on how children really learn.
Looking at Learning…Again, Part 2

Through personal interviews, teacher discussions,
and classroom video footage,
this video workshop for K-12 teachers and administrators
 encourages educators to analyze existing theories
 about how children learn.

The Learning Classroom: Theory Into Practice
This video course is an exploration of learning theory for K-12 teachers.

Learning Science Through Inquiry
This video workshop for K-8 teachers shows inquiry teaching and learning in action — how it works and how it benefits students.

Minds of Our Own for K-12 educators and parents shows how traditional teaching methods are often built upon false assumptions about learning.

Connie Martinson Talks Books: Mike Rose on "The Mind at Work"

Human Development
 compiled by University of Hawaii, Honolulu

Erikson's Developmental Stages infant through older adult.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs  Basic human needs and their educational import.
Piaget's Cognitive Stages From "sensorimotor" to abstract reasoning.
Returning Adults Understanding adults returning to school.
Knowles: The Adult Learner Applies Piaget and Erikson to adult learners.

Michael Mandel of Business Week

The Continuing Decline In College Wages--
Forbes Magazine on Not Investing in College
Five Reasons To Skip College

Click here to see the five reasons not to go to college.

Economics Of Education
1) Job Growth by Required Education  and  Occupations
Education in a World of Multiple Intelligence
Education Helps Some More Than Others
Who Gets the Good Jobs and How Much They Pay
Education Up For All, Wages Up For Some Women
Many Without Bachelor's Degree Have High Earnings
Not All College Majors Are Created Equal
Technology based, Activity-driven Student Learning Experience for Colleges

Education Reform Information
Education Reform Internet Library 

Innovative Pathways to School Leadership provides examples of successful strategies to prepare candidates for school leadership. Out of Print)

Critical Issues in School Reform for K-12 teachers administrators, and parents takes you to places where educators, parents, and civic leaders are collaborating on innovative school reform.

Creating a Climate for Change…Math Leads the Way
K-5 teachers and administrators how to present their own workshops on math education reform.

New American Schools: Getting Better by Design K-12
presents eight reform designs from New American Schools (NAS).

Creating Successful Magnet Schools Programs
Real Player Video
9 minutes, 12.3 seconds)

Successful Charter Schools profiles the successes of eight charter schools around the country. Out of Print

A Citizen's Guide to Education Reform -- School Choices is edited by Andrew Coulson is Director of the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom.

Creating Strong District School Choice Programs,
5 MB PDF from Department of Education
School Choice Video from the Dept. Of Education

Interesting Thoughts Concerning Education from the Experts 

Reflections on California Higher Education Today

Subject Material for Teachers

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence

The Classroom

Subject Index

A    B   C   E   G   H    J    L    M    P    S

Out of the Past provides new insight into the evolution of human societies.

A World of Art: Works in Progress 9-12 + C art appreciation from inside the studios of 10 contemporary artists,

Rediscovering Biology 9-12
Introduction to Microbiology 9-12 +C

Business Internet Libraries
Personal Finance

Small Business

The World of Chemistry 9-12 + C

Democracy in America has material recommended by the U.S. Department of Education’s Civics Framework.

English as a Second Language
Connect With English covers everyday topics to teach English as a second language.

Internet Resources for use in English/Language Arts classes in Middle School and High School

Learn English Grammar online

Planet Earth 9-12 +C
The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century 9-C

History The Western Tradition 9-12 + C
resources for history teachers

News Writing

American Passages: A Literary Survey college-level, places American literature movements and authors in the context of history and culture.
Voices & Visions 9-12 + C, covers 13 American poets
Signature: Contemporary Writers 9-12 + C
native Southern authors read from their works and discuss what it's like to be a writer today.

Mathematics Internet Library
Statistics Internet Library

The Mechanical Universe…and Beyond  9-12 + C

Seasons of Life 9-12 + C Developmental Psychology
The World of Abnormal Psychology 9-12 +C

Journey North, a one-hour video program shows teachers how to use the popular Journey North Web site. Includes Workshop Guide and Teacher's Manual. Essential Science: Earth and Space Science K1-6
Essential Science: Life Science for K1-6
Essential Science: Physical Science for K1-6
The Brain: Teaching Modules K9-12 plus C

Rural Communities: Legacy & Change 9-12 +C

Excel Internet Library
Software Tutorials Internet Libraries

Research Paper Internet Library

Subject Material with Teaching Advise

G   M   S  

Learning Math: Geometry for K-8

Learning Math: Measurement for K2-8
Learning Math: Number and Operations K-8
Learning Math: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra K-8

Learning Math: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability for K-8

Other Education Libraries

Economics of Education

Education Editorials

Education Ideas From Economists

Education Reform 

Educational Video/Audios

Excel Stuff for Teachers

German Education System

Please e-mail me with suggestions.

Top of Page

Teaching Advise by Subject
A    C   F   G   H   L   M   R   S   W

Insights Into Algebra 1: Teaching for Learning

The Arts in Every Classroom: Video Library, K-5
Connecting With the Arts: A Teaching Practices Library, 6-8
Connecting With the Arts: A Workshop for Middle Grades Teachers
The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High
School Teachers for K9-12
Making Civics Real: Workshop for K9-12

Reactions in Chemistry 9-12
Criminal Justice Internet Library
Foreign Language
K-12 Workshop
K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices
Geography 7-12 workshop
Primary Sources: Workshops in American History
Teaching The Children of Willesden Lane 7-12
helps teach the Holocaust-survival book
The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek
Engaging With Literature: A
Video Library, Grades 3-5
Making Meaning in Literature: 6-8
Conversations in Literature for 6-12
In Search of the Novel for 7-12
Teaching Multicultural Literature in middle grades
Artifacts & Fiction: Workshop in American Literature for High School
Teaching Multicultural Literature in High School
School Math Teachers presents four concepts that have been identified by TIMSS as crucial to students' success.
Math: A Video Library, K-4 using NCTM standards
Math: A Video Library, 5-8 using NCTM standards
Math: A Video Library, 9-12
using NCTM standards

Teaching Math, Grades K-2
Teaching Math, Grades 3-5
Teaching Math, Grades 6-8
Teaching Math, Grades 9-12

Surprises in Mind  video documentary on learning mathematics for K-8 teachers and administrators shows that mathematical creativity is built into the brain and can flourish under the right conditions.
The Missing Link: Essential Concepts 7-9
Private Universe Project in Mathematics
Mathematics for K-12
Private Universe Project in Mathematics for K-12 how mathematics teaching can be structured to resonate with children's own mathematical ideas.
K-2 Workshop
K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices
3-5 Workshop
Into the Book: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies Science
Case Studies in Science Education for K-8
Science IMAGES 1-8
Private Universe Project in Science
1-12 helps uncover and overcome student misconceptions.
A Private Universe  5-12 explores why students from early grades
 to Ivy League graduates don't really grasp basic science concepts.
Learning That Works 9-12 profile successful programs that connect
science learned in high school with real-world applications.
Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science K-5
Science in Focus: Energy K-6
Science in Focus: Force and Motion K-8
Investigating Classrooms K-6 shows how teachers are incorporating
 genuine science inquiry into teaching.
Teaching High School Science
Social Science
SS in Action: A Methodology Workshop, K-5
SS in Action: A Teaching Practices Library, K-12
Developing Writers: A Workshop for High School Teachers

Write in the Middle: A Workshop for Middle School Teachers

College Teaching Tips/Suggestions
University of Oklahoma
Five (5) Major Functions in Teaching
Getting Ready to Teach 
Designing a Course
Interacting with Students: Teacher "Credibility"
Specific Teaching Techniques: Suggestions
Evaluation Issues  
Major New Ideas To Empower College Teaching
UC Berkeley has this help for teaching assistants
Using groups in classes & encouraging study groups
Nine Complaints from Students About Lectures
Student Announcements in Classes
Resources for Using Groups in the Classroom
Email/Listserv etiquette is pending
Disappearing Students
Assignment Design Checklist
Letters of Recommendation is pending
Ten Ways to Make Your Teaching More Effective

Special Needs Teaching and Learning
Free  Classes to Reach Special Populations
Infant and Early Childhood Cognition. Learn how infants and young children’s minds perceive the world while also learning about research within this field. [MIT] Understanding dyslexia. Learn about dyslexia as well as treatment and management techniques in this course. [The Open University] Language as a medium for teaching and learning. This course examines the affect languages have on the second-language learner in the classroom. [The Open University] The Linguistic Study of Bilingualism. Learn about the roots of bilingualism, various implications of bilingualism, and educational repercussions of bilingualism in this class. [MIT] What children’s perspectives tell us about inclusion. Meet children learning in inclusion classrooms and learn their perspectives on such issues as play and learning, gender, and mixed-abilities within the classroom. [The Open University] Inclusive education: knowing what we mean. This course explores the definition of inclusion, the various models, and several inclusion topics–including determining which students should be involved in inclusion and the potential implications of inclusion. [The Open University] Autism Theory and Technology. Learn about autism, working with autistic students, and current technology that works to improve opportunities for autistic students in this course. [MIT] Accessibility and eLearning. Study accessibility, assistive technology, and how it enhances the educational experience of student with disabilities. [The Open University]

Education Reform Sites

National Clearing House for Comprehensive School Reform 
provides practitioners need information on assessing needs, developing reform programs,
 and documenting the impact of reforms from the U.S. Department of Education.
Has information to raise the academic achievement of all students.

Center for Educational Reform
has substantial reform information on many problem areas.
Receives nearly all funding from many charitable foundations.

Improving Educational Quality (IEQ) Project
ten years study results.

What Works Clearinghouse  US Department of Education 
provides a central and trusted source of scientific evidence
 of what works in education.

Math and Science Reform

Calculating Change video documentary shows how parents and communities
 can promote more creative math and science education
and in English and in Spanish.

Mathematics and Science for All K-12,
how Montana dovetail to meet the needs of teachers and students.

Principles for Principals
K-12, is to improve achievement in mathematics and science

Middle School Reform

MiddleStart is a comprehensive middle-grades improvement initiative of the Kellogg Foundation. The program combines on-site support to schools with the development of regional partnerships of schools and local organizations.

Middle School Reform
Financed by the
Edna McConnell Clark, it provides a wealth of resources for schools, districts, educators, parents, and public school advocates working to raise achievement for all students in the middle grades.  

Turning Points
Turning Points is a comprehensive education reform model that focuses on improving student learning by helping middle schools undergo dramatic change.

Reform for Those Serving Low Income Students

Coalition of Essential Schools
Mission is to transform public education so that every child in every neighborhood, regardless of race or class, attends a small, vibrant, intellectually challenging, personalized school.

The Education Trust
focuses primarily on low-income, Latino, and African-American students.

Annenberg Institute for School Reform Brown University develops, shares, and acts on knowledge that improves the conditions and outcomes of schooling in America, especially in urban communities and in schools serving disadvantaged children.

Creating Strong Supplemental Educational Services Programs shows how five school districts provided low-income children in schools in need of improvement with free tutoring and academic assistance. Video

Education Assessment Information

Assessment in Math and Science: What’s the Point?
for K-12 teachers, examines current assessment issues and explores strategies for making classroom assessment practices more effective.

Creating Strong District School Choice Programs offers real-life "lessons learned" in implementing No Child Left Behind's school choice provisions.

Mathematics Assessment for K-12

School Testing—Behind the Numbers

A Critique of Standardized Tests

Free Affective Administration Classes

Take these courses to help strengthen your abilities as an administrator. Both your students and teachers are sure to benefit from your new knowledge.

Economics of Education. This course studies the implications of various educational issues on economics and explores such issues as the effectiveness of mid-career training for teachers and the implications of college financial aid. [MIT]

School business manager: developing the role. This British course explores the reasons that managing the school as a business has become necessary as well as effective ways do so. Much of this class can also apply to American school systems. [The Open University]

Technological Tools for School Reform. By looking at progressive charter schools, examine a case study of school reform using technology as the basis of change, look at the state of school reform, and think about ways to positively shape school reform. [MIT]

School governors: planning for improvement. This course offers suggestions for ways to plan for improvement in your school while taking into consideration the needs of all those involved from teachers to students and beyond. [The Open University]

School governors: organization and practice. This model from the UK offers an overview and roles of each player in the school governance body and provides tips on effectively using each to the best of their ability. American teachers don’t have to worry about the British content as much of the information carries over. [The Open University]

Communicating Across Cultures. As globalization has become a reality, learn its effects on society and find out how you can become more culturally sensitive to those around you, including students and teachers at your schools. [MIT]

In The News

The Merrow Report
Veteran NewsHour education reporter John Merrow investigates education's headline-making issues — as well as those we don't hear about — in these video documentaries for K-12 educators and parents.
from the Center for Education Reform
keeps you abreast on Charter Schools News

Reflections on California Higher Education Today

Food Additives May Affect Kids' Hyperactivity

Financial Statements of Nonprofits
requires a quick registration and then look page 7 of Form 990 for high salaries and page 23 or so for the salaries of the Board of Directors.

Life on a Tricycle:
Social Challenges of Children with Language Impairment

HTML, PDF, mp3,
iPod, Video Stream

Study Hints for Sign Language and Interpreting Students are from Christine Smith, Georgia Perimeter College

College Teaching from the U. of Hawaii, Honolulu
U of Oklahoma- Instructional Development Program


The Art of Teaching
Teaching is an art form in itself, so take these classes to continue learning
 and shaping the talent you already share with your students.
The Nature of Constructionist Learning. Learn about education and learning
 within a constructionist framework in this course. [MIT]
Gender Issues in Academics and Academia.
 Gender differences in learning and how it impacts the classroom experience
 is the focus of this class, as well as how gender issues affect those in academia. [MIT]

Thinking about how I work with other professionals.
This course allows self-exploration as you examine the ways you work
 with other teachers and administrators.
 It also allows for self-reflection on how to improve your working relationships
 while maintaining your values and beliefs. [The Open University]
Introduction to Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science. This course takes the student through the experience of teaching and offers hands-on opportunities to learn about both teaching and the students’ learning in the classroom. This may be a good refresher course for teachers who have been out of school for a while. [MIT] Working with young people: roles and responsibilities. Learn about the different roles adults play in the life of young people, discover the role you play as a teacher, and learn to develop the role model you wish to be for your students. [The Open University]
Teaching for good behavior. This course explores the ways you can set up your lessons to engage students while minimizing problem behavior. Learn to adjust lesson format, delivery, and content for great results. [The Open University]
Evaluating school classroom discussion. Discussion is an important part of the classroom experience. Find out how to successfully implement discussion in your classroom to better facilitate the learning process for your students. [The Open University]
Enhancing pupil learning on museum visits. It’s no big news that students learn in different ways. This class helps you embrace these differing learning styles while on museum field trips. [The  Open University]


Teach Global. Learn about the Teach Global program in this course where you can also find resources about the program and learn about other similar courses. [The Open University]
Introducing observational approaches in research with children and young people. Observation and research are the focus of this class where you will learn about observation as a research tool, the differences between quantitative and qualitative research, and learn the difference between describing and explaining in a research study. [The Open University]
Exploring K-12 Classroom Teaching. This course takes a look at methods of teaching student-centered classrooms while examining various student needs within those classrooms. [MIT]
How to Learn (Almost) Anything. This class looks at learning as a process through hands-on activities. You will participate in a variety of learning situations as a part of the class. [MIT]
The Creative Spark. This course teaches about the creative process–what it is, how it’s valued, and how it grows. Students will create journal writings and study artists of various media to explore creativity. [MIT]


Other all-inclusive Sites Aussie Educator

Teaching Tools from the Internet
100 Free Online Lectures that Will Make You a Better Teacher
100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers | Smart Teaching
25 Free Sites to Teach Writing  Tips, Techniques, and Advice
4Teachers has many useful teaching tools.
EdTechTalk is a webcasting network of educators dedicated to helping those involved in technology.
Developing Teachers is for language teachers.
Education Software from
Free Software/Web Tools for Teachers
Adobe - Digital School Collection Teacher Resources
Education World® : Teacher Tools & Templates
Web 2:0, Tools in Education: A Guick Guide
10 Places to Make and Find Flashcards Online
K-12 Top 12 Research Websites for Student Papers
50 Open Source Apps Transforming Education
25 Free Learning Tools

Teaching Specialty Sites

Communication, Affect, & Learning in the Classroom
Teaching Psychology from APS
Alternative Routes to Teacher Certification looks at six programs that prepare people who already have content knowledge, such as midcareer professionals, liberal arts graduates, retired military personnel, and other college graduates, to teach.
Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy
is a consortium of several major universities, focuses on the system-wide improvement of learning and teaching and the development of a highly capable, committed teaching force.

Promoting Enhancing Student Learning from the University of Nottingham has great videos and much more.
Lesson Plan Central
Teacher Resources by Annenberg Media
Experts’ Top Ten E-Learning Tools for Teaching & Professional ...


Education Blogs

Blogboard (Teacher Magazine)
Education Gadfly
Education Wonks
Educational Freedom
FIRE's Torch
Get On the Bus
Home Education
Lilting House
Literacy Education Updates
NCLB:Let's Get It Right 
NYC Educator
Quality in Education
School Me
Information Age Education
Teacher Magazine's Blogboard
The Quick and the Ed
This Week in Education

Help for Families   k


GreatSchools has a number of news letters and other interesting information to help with your child's education.
The Whole Child: A Caregiver’s Guide to the First Five Years Students, parents, and professional childcare providers are provided essential information about children's physical, emotional, and cognitive development. In English and Spanish (en Español).
Math for All K-3 and Math for All—Plus 4-6 is in English and Spanish.
Parent Power! Take Charge of Your Child's Education
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Funded by the US Department of Education, provides information for the development, education, and care of children from birth through early adolescence.
Who is Responsible for Education in America?